Granted, its a very large array holding vertex positions for a number of object. But when I loop through the array during real time it runs fast enough to not have any noticeable impact on performance.
Am I doing something wrong? Is there a trick someone can offer? Thanks.
MyArray as string
for i = 0 to 3
CreateFileFromMemblock( "Trees_MalmrJord_section_" +str(i)+".txt" , globaltreememblocks[i] )
CreateFileFromMemblock( "OtherRes_MalmrJord_section_" +str(i)+".txt" , globalresourcememblocks[i] )
MyArray = globaltreesection.toJSON()"JSONTrees_MalmrJord_section_" +str(i)+".json" )
MyArray = globalresourcesection.toJSON()"JSONRes_MalmrJord_section_" +str(i)+".json" )