I've released a 1st version of "eXtends-for-AppGameKit" on Git.
Here is the link :
I will soonly update it (when my health will be better) with the DarkBASIC Professional doc updated to AppGameKit version and maybe some more samples.
Here is the licence text I've put on the GIT :
Technically, eXtends is not an open source project however, to allow user to use it in the AppGameKit creations, the only way found was to make source code being available for download.
All these simply mean that all material is copyright Frédéric Cordier (8.8.75 France) and any project that may use parts of eXtends must clearly mentions in a fully visible way that :
"This software uses part of eXtends addon for AppGameKit from Frédéric Cordier (available at : https://github.com/AmiDARK/eXtends-for-AppGameKit/ ) "
eXtends is provided for free. That mean that no fee is required to have the rights to use if for any project (freeware, commercial, shareware, etc.).
If you have any question or doubts about all these, contact me directly at : cordierfr@wanadoo.fr