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Newcomers AppGameKit Corner / Move 2D view without affecting box 2D Physics?

Braude Interactive
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Location: Sheffield, UK
Posted: 12th Feb 2019 23:21
Just getting started with AppGameKit today, and I'm loving it so far.

I'm used to DBPro, where you'd just position images at say:

Then you could move the "view"around as you pleased.

In AppGameKit I'm really impressed with the simplicity of the Box2D system and I want to make a dead simple platformer that uses it.

But I don't want to interfere with the sprite co-ordinates, I want to let the physics solver deal with that (as I think I'm supposed to).

So my question is, how do we move the "view" when using box physics?

Please, point me to another thread if this is a common question- I couldn't see anything on here.
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Posted: 12th Feb 2019 23:46 Edited at: 12th Feb 2019 23:48
Have a look at SetViewOffset()
SetViewZoom() as well if you want to zoom in out

FixSpriteToScreen() for your HUD stuff
Braude Interactive
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Joined: 1st Aug 2006
Location: Sheffield, UK
Posted: 13th Feb 2019 06:55
No way! I didn't expect it to be built in! Thank you.
I wish I could change my forum name. I\'m not a company, and I\'m not 14 anymore. *sigh*

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