using a color method for pathfinding might be a good way you could use it as a background invisible image
//snippet taken from my lunar lander
background_memblock = CreateMemblockFromImage (LandImage)
background_imgwidth = GetMemblockInt(background_memblock, 0)
background_imgheight = GetMemblockInt(background_memblock, 4)
function pickColor2( X, Y)
offset = 12 + (((Y * background_imgwidth) + X) * 4)
r=GetMemblockByte(background_memblock, offset)
g=GetMemblockByte(background_memblock, offset+1)
b=GetMemblockByte(background_memblock, offset+2)
c = MakeColor(r,g,b)
endfunction c
often there are other alternatives for example
the cars follow the track but there is no pathfinding this was achieved by using invisible blocks ahead and attached
to the car. If the left block wasn't on the track the car AI made the car turn right theres other stuff added like brakes etc
The zombies in that if I remember correct only move a set amount ide have to check that's quite old but it could've been
achieved by placing invisible sprites where you wouldn't want the sprites(zombies) to go or color detection im not sure how
I did it now maybe it was color detection I forget lol
pathfinding is a whole new method on this thread I have a 2D path editor which you prob wont find useful