Here is the code. There are only two object being loaded.
game.player.objID = LoadObjectWithChildren( "/media/player/player1.fbx")
playertxtatlas = LoadImage( "/media/player/playeratlas.jpg")
playertxtatlas_nrm = LoadImage( "/media/player/playeratlas_n.png")
SetObjectImage( game.player.objID, playertxtatlas, 0 )
//SetObjectImage( game.player.objID, playertxtatlas_nrm, 1 )
//SetObjectShader( game.player.objID, player_normalMap_shader )
game.player.swoosh_img = LoadImage( "/media/player/swoosh.png" )
SetObjectScalePermanent(game.player.objID, .17, .17, .17) //player
SetObjectPosition( game.player.objID, 0, .1, 0 )
playersizeX = GetObjectSizeMaxX(game.player.objid) - GetobjectsizeMinX(game.player.objid)
playersizeY = GetObjectSizeMaxY(game.player.objid) - GetobjectsizeMinY(game.player.objid)
game.player.collisionbox = CreateObjectCylinder(1.0, .5, 4)
SetObjectPosition( game.player.collisionbox, 0 ,10, 0)
SetObjectVisible( game.player.collisionbox, 0 )
The first object is 100001.
The second object is 100003.
Wait, what? Where is 100002? I hit 100002 during collision test. 10002 acts suspiciously like my collisionbox, and also looks just like my collisionbox and follow the character around. But.... 100003 is my collision box.
100002 does everything that my collisionbox does. How is this possible? Please see the screenshot. CB is my collisionbox, the phantom box is being returned by a raycast test. And P: is the player ID.