so I have this sprite which is with kinematic properties.
it has a small mass and a small reinstitution.
when I press and hold on that sprite, the sprite automatically locked into the pointerX,Y and now as long as I won't take my finger off screen it will reposition itself in the center of the PointerX and PointerY
something I want to do is, when I release the button or simply take my finger off screen I want to contiue moving in the direction I moved it just now... so if I like swipe to the right while that sprite is locked and release the screen it will "fly" towards that direction until hitting something whether its a PhyiscsWall or another Sprite which is probably static or dynamic any collision is fine...
I can think of some kind fake physics for it using vectors however I would like AppGameKit physics system to handle it so it will look exactly like it should.
honestly i never really get Sin and Cos so I'm kinda stuck with these 2.
what should I do?
thank you for your time, Haliop.