Thanks - Ill make sure ill stick to my own work instead of trying to help. the help is more than likely wrong anyway.
Ill be much safer if just keep head down and keep working on own stuff...
Still working hard in the background on this...
It is not my fault i can learn AppGameKit very quickly and others sometimes find it a struggle to ask for help here. - those people - maybe post in the Newcomers thread instead of this one, this thread maybe for
advanced AppGameKit programmers - could we change the name of this thread title to Advanced and have two more for Beginners and Intermediate - so no one gets confused or unhappy?? - just a thought
PS - Yes Jeku - im editing a thread - not creating two/three/four/five consequtive ones - apologies for that - my bad.
PS and im doing it to my own thread - you happy now lol?
PS -- I create loads of tools and apps and games and send them on to sell etc - but i dont want that. I like to help others gain there aspirations and goals in programming. Thats why we help each other - Anyway....
PS - At least im willing to help and share my fullness of what I create to all... not like many - give me a break and think hard with a loss of me in future.
Tier 1 Developer