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3 Dimensional Chat / Converting from Amiga basic

Cyber 1
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Joined: 11th Feb 2008
Posted: 12th Apr 2019 15:26 Edited at: 23rd Apr 2019 19:51

Could someone please help me with getting this 3D to 2D Amiga Basic code to run with Dark Basic Pro?
One problem is the functions, and the other problem is with the algebra not having enough brackets () to
allow DBPro to understand the calculations. The program draws 3D landscapes in 2D.
It originally comes from an Apple 2 program which I converted to Amiga basic.
After replacing the Hplot commands with line commands it worked with Amiga Basic, but I cannot get it to
work with DBPro. Your help will be much appreciated. If you can get it working then please email me the text
and I will run it in DBPro. My email address is
I have attached a picture showing what kind of landscapes are drawn.
Many thanks for your help.

Here is the program, please copy it:

Mod Edit: When posting code please put them in "code" format so it doesn't stretch the post too long. You'll find this in the AUP, thanks!

GL with your conversion.


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