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Windows / Support for targeting Windows XP is deprecated

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Joined: 31st Mar 2017
Posted: 16th Jun 2019 02:27
I have been getting the below warning for quite some time with VS2017. I upgraded the same machine to VS2019 and can still compile and run fine. When I loaded a new machine with VS2019, Windows XP support is no longer an option and my AppGameKit Tier2 code will not compile. Is there an easy solution to this?

Warning MSB8051 Support for targeting Windows XP is deprecated and will not be present in future releases of Visual Studio. Please see for more information. wifiWindowServer C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\IDE\VC\VCTargets\Platforms\x64\PlatformToolsets\v141_xp\Toolset.targets 39

Years of Service
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Joined: 24th Feb 2005
Location: nm usa
Posted: 10th Jul 2019 08:55
Upgrade your operating system windows XP is 18 years old. There have been 5 versions since then and about 30 if u count editions. Tech moves and develops fast. Keep up to date or you will get left behind. there are very few people who still use xp outside of businesses who depend on it because they built their old architecture around it and cant afford to redo all the work
A child's dream never dies.

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