Fascinating... never even knew there was a TGC Store (beyond the Bundles offered on Steam / Website)
That it's buried in the GameGuru Website rather than available from the Main Site is quite interesting.
Something I thought was weird in how it was missing from AppGameKit (Vs. Unity 3D or Unreal Engine) was the lack of a "Creator" / "Asset" Store that was accessible either from the Website or Editor.
As such, assumed that it simply didn't exist because TGC didn't want to deal with the hassle of running such a Feature in favour of the various 3rd Party Sources (Sketchfab, Gumtree, etc.)
It does appear that essentially the Store is primarily (or near exclusively) focused on FPS Creator., although there do seem to be some AppGameKit (Compatible) things on there … mind as a Store Front either as a Seller / Consumer, it's not exactly appealing.
Not saying that from the assets available per se, as I only skimmed those with most being very Low Poly (and not in the Classic "Retro" Style but just Low Triangle Count., limited / no shader Materials) giving a very 2001 - 2004 appearance.
Rather I'm talking about the Store Front itself is just very unappealing to interact with.
Mind so are the Forums as well... they look the same as they did 10-15 years ago., with sure usability upgrades but still it looks and feels archaic compared to modern social forum systems.
In any case though., I'd be quite curious to know what kind of Assets (3D / 2D) that you (or others) are interested in.
I am currently looking to put together some 3D/2D Asset Packs., and so would be useful to know what people are specifically looking for in terms of the assets for their projects.