Thank you for the feedback,
SetFolder is not depreciated!
it is "SetCurrentDir" which is
the answer that it would be for Android is a bad excuse!
the workplace should be local to the executable under windows!
and it is only at the time of compilation (or manufacture of the APK) that the installation must be in the right place for android...
note that I have already installed Apk on my SD card without any problems...
the problem I'm raising concerns only Windows!
it could be solved, if AppGameKit used the application folder at the time of its creation (like most computer languages or programs....
the working directory can be defined at the time of installation...
there, we don't control anything...
on my "C:\" SSD I have 235 go (115 free)
while on my "D:\" hard drive I have 1.80 Tera!!!!!
why am I going to risk saturating my SSD???
No, seriously, it's a real problem.
PS :
I'm talking about a relative working directory,
use Raw: with a direct path, doesn't make sense, when I'm going to distribute
my program, the future user, will not have the same path as me
for example : in purebasic
this code :
Debug GetCurrentDirectory() ; <------------ return "D:\temp\" the current directory of my prg
Debug GetHomeDirectory() ; <----------------- return "C:\Users\Dobro\" , my user directory
Debug GetUserDirectory(#PB_Directory_Documents) ; return "C:\Users\Dobro\Documents\"
Debug GetTemporaryDirectory() ; <------------- return " C:\Users\Dobro\AppData\Local\Temp\"
Debug #PB_Compiler_Home ; <--------- return "D:\Dobro\PureBasic_5_70\x86\" directory of compiler
Debug #PB_Compiler_File ; <------------- return "D:\temp\Nouveau.pb" the path of my prg
Debug #PB_Compiler_Filename ; <----------- the name of file of my prg
Debug #PB_Compiler_FilePath ; < ----------- return the path of my prg "D:\temp\"
purebasic work on Linux, Mac and Windows ...
Translated with
Carpe Diem