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AppGameKit/AppGameKit Studio Showcase / AgkBuild - A Python script to easily create multiple releases for AppGameKit Classic

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Posted: 28th Aug 2019 02:39
I've found myself having a couple of projects that need to be built in different ways according to where it is released. Already Google Play and Amazon APKs are different, but then some projects have demo versions and Steam releases.

I created a script called AgkBuild to help me build multiple releases of my games at once.

It can build for Windows, Linux, Android, and HTML5 (no Mac OSX) and allows for release-specific #includes/#inserts, including additional files, excluding media files, and more.

The project page can be found here. There's an example project there, too.
This currently only works on Windows and requires AppGameKit Classic and Python 3.7+.

This is a personal tool that I'm making available for others to use. By using it, you understand and agree that you are doing so at your own risk and that I while I have done my best to prevent serious problems, I will not be held responsible for any that occur, including but not limited to loss of data.
AGK Developer
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Posted: 29th Aug 2019 12:32
You are a real asset to TGC and AppGameKit! Thanks.
Using Tier 1 AppGameKit V2
Started coding with AMOS (Thanks Francois Lionet)
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AGK Developer
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Posted: 5th Sep 2019 23:13
New update: 0.2

Added Debian package and Windows installer creation methods.

I've tested the Debian packages on the following virtual machines:
* Ubuntu 18.04 amd64
* Ubuntu 16.04 i386
* Mint 19.2 Cinnammon amd64

Would someone running Windows 10 run the test project and let me know whether the sprite appears at approximate the top middle of the window? It appears on everything else I've tested except my Win 10 x64 VM.
AGK Developer
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Location: US
Posted: 16th Sep 2019 22:49
New update: 0.3

* Added `remove_release_folder` parameter to `create_debian_package` and `create_nsis_installer`.
* Added `nsis_info`, `debian_info`, `create_linux_setup_script`, and `archive` to `AgkBuild` call.
* The `apk_app_name` value for AgkBuild now defaults to `project_name` when it is set.
* Works with AppGameKit Classic 2019.09.10, ie: added `snapchat_client_id` and removed x86 from Android exports.

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