I am using some code i found on the board (By Scraggle, Thanks matey!) which was for DarkBasic
I have attempted to convert it to AppGameKit and am having a slight issue.
When i run my code i get the following color range;
If i have a look at another apps colour range it looks like this;
As you can see my color range is getting that yellow band over on the right whereas the other one ends with that red colour.
Here is the code;
// Project: color_picker2
// by blendman and another guy (I don't remember its name :( )
// Created: 2017-02-20
// set window properties
SetWindowTitle( "color_picker2" )
SetWindowSize( 1024, 768, 0 )
// set display properties
SetVirtualResolution( 1024, 768 )
SetOrientationAllowed( 1, 1, 1, 1 )
UseNewDefaultFonts( 1 ) // since version 2.0.22 we can use nicer default fonts
SetClearColor(0x80, 0x80, 0x80)
ColorPicker(100, 100)
type ColorPickerStruct
PickerWindowId as integer
ArrowId as integer
BrightnessId as integer
Shadow as integer
Light as integer
Init as integer
global ColorPickerData as ColorPickerStruct
function ColorPicker(x as float, y as float)
if ColorPickerData.PickerWindowId = 0
ColorPickerData.PickerWindowId = ColorPickerInit(x, y)
function ColorPickerShadowLight(s as integer, l as integer)
ColorPickerData.Init = 1
ColorPickerData.Shadow = s
ColorPickerData.Light = l
function ColorPickerInit(x as float, y as float)
hue as float
sat as float
lum as float
c as integer
id as integer
if ColorPickerData.Init = 0
ColorPickerData.Shadow = 0x20
ColorPickerData.Light = 0xc0
ColorPickerData.Init = 1
if ColorPickerData.ArrowId = 0
DrawLine( 0, 3, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0)
DrawLine(7, 0, 7, 7, 0, 0, 0)
DrawLine(7, 7, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0)
ColorPickerData.ArrowId = CreateSprite(GetImage(0, 0, 8, 8))
SetSpritePosition(ColorPickerData.ArrowId , 300, 300)
lum = 1
for hue=0 to 360.0 step 6.0
for sat=100 to 0 step -1
c = HSL2RGB(hue, (sat * 0.01), ( sat * 0.01))
x = (hue / 6) + 1
y = (100 - sat) + 1
drawbox(x, y, x+1, y+1, c, c, c, c, 1)
drawline( 0, 101, 61, 101, ColorPickerData.Light, ColorPickerData.Light, ColorPickerData.Light)
drawline( 0, 0, 0, 101, ColorPickerData.Shadow, ColorPickerData.Shadow, ColorPickerData.Shadow)
drawline(61, 0, 61, 101, ColorPickerData.Light, ColorPickerData.Light, ColorPickerData.Light)
id = CreateSprite(GetImage(0, 0, 62, 102))
SetSpritePosition(id, x, y)
endfunction id
function HSL2RGB(H as float, S as float, L as float)
`Sanitize the input...
if H < 0.0
H = 0.0
elseif H > 360.0
H = 360.0
if S < 0.0
S = 0.0
elseif S > 1.0
S = 1.0
if L < 0.0
L = 0.0
elseif L > 1.0
L = 1.0
`Section of the Hue
Hi as integer : Hi = mod((H / 60.0), 6)
`f is a fraction of the section
f as float : f = (H / 60.0) - Hi
`p, q and t are temp variables used to work out the rgb values before we know where to put them
p as float : p = L * (1.0 - S)
q as float : q = L * (1.0 - (f * S))
t as float : t = L * (1.0 - ((1.0 - f) * S))
`Depending on the section worked out above, we store the rgb value appropriately...
R as float : G as float : B as float
select Hi
case 0 : R = L : G = t : B = p : endcase
case 1 : R = q : G = L : B = p : endcase
case 2 : R = p : G = L : B = t : endcase
case 3 : R = p : G = q : B = L : endcase
case 4 : R = t : G = p : B = L : endcase
case 5 : R = L : G = p : B = q : endcase
`Sanitize the output - just incase of floating point errors...
if R < 0.0
R = 0.0
elseif R > 1.0
R = 1.0
if G < 0.0
G = 0.0
elseif G > 1.0
G = 1.0
if B < 0.0
B = 0.0
elseif B > 1.0
B = 1.0
`Convert R, G, B to a colour
color as integer : color = MakeColor(R * 255, G * 255, B * 255)
endfunction color
Here is the original code posted by scraggle
Can anyone tell me what i'm doing wrong here?
Any help is greatly appreciated