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Windows / Windows Defender not Letting me Restore a specific file.

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Joined: 10th Oct 2019
Posted: 10th Oct 2019 08:10
Windows Defender mistakenly quarantined a file that I guarantee is from a trusted source considering said trusted source is me. When I went to the Threat History, and hit restore, it brought up the prompt to allow changes, I hit yes, and then nothing happened. The restore tab folded back up into the quarantined file, and it sat there. As an experiment, I allowed another quarantined file to be Restored, and that worked fine, it was restored. But this specific file refuses to be restored, no matter how many times I press the Restore button and allow changes. Any ideas?

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Location: Denmark
Posted: 11th Oct 2019 14:09 Edited at: 11th Oct 2019 14:09
From a search on the topic:

So far I had no joy so I dug around. There is a command line futility that can solve the problem if you grit your teeth and hold your tongue sideways.

1) Open a CMD prompt as adminstrator.
2) Visit the "C:\Program Files\Windows Defender" folder.
3) "dir *.exe" should show "mpcmdrun.exe". He is your best friend of the moment.
4) "mpcmdrun -?" gives a list of commands. Near the bottom are the interesting parameters. "-restore" says you want to restore.

mpcmdrun -restore -listall
This shows a list of quarantined items.

mpcmdrun -restore -all
This restores ALL quarantined items. Be afraid. Be very afraid. But it can be useful.

mpcmdrun -restore -name ""
This will restore to its rightful place in the universe.
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Joined: 17th Oct 2019
Posted: 17th Oct 2019 18:28
What a mysterious file) What protection is it worth?

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