I've uploaded a new version to Steam and the TGC downloads area with the following changes
* Fixed some keys not being recognised on Android physical keyboards
* Fixed SetMemblockByteSigned incorrectly truncating values to the range -127 to 128 instead of -128 to 127
* Fixed GetSpriteHitTest and GetSpriteHit not reporting the correct values when SetViewOffset is used
* Added old Android versions to the APK export dialog
* HTML5 apps can now use SaveSharedVariable and LoadSharedVariable to store persistent data in cookies
* Mac version of the IDE is now signed and can access the Documents folder on 10.15 (if allowed)
* Fixed many help file spelling mistakes
* Fixed iOS export failing during submission to Apple
* Mac apps now use a write path based on the .app filename instead of a generic name shared by all apps
* Using SetObjectShader(ID,0) on a quad will now return it to the default quad shader
* Added array.length to the valid list of debug variables
* Debug call stack will now point to the line a function was called rather than the start of the function
* Fixed SetRawMousePosition on Mac not immediately setting the new mouse position
* Fixed Google Play Games achievements not displaying a popup when you unlock an achievement
Let me know if you have any problems