Developed in conjunction with
Equinity Technoloy Limited we are pleased to announce a free serial plug-in for AppGameKit Classic and Studio. The team at
Equinity Technology use it to send data between their horse data tracking device and their desktop devices. You can download it now and start using it immediately, grab your copy
The plugin can be used on Windows, Mac and Linux platforms. The commands in the plug in are:
numPorts = EnumerateSerialPorts()
String = GetSerialPortName( portID )
instanceID = OpenSerialPort( portID, baudrate, stop bits, parity )
CloseSerialPort( instanceID )
numBytes = GetSerialBytesAvailable( instanceID ) -- number of bytes that can be read without blocking
String = ReadSerialData( instanceID, numBytes ) -- Will block until the specified number of bytes are read
success = WriteSerialData( instanceID, String, length ) -- length can be -1 to use the string length
success = SendSerialFile( instanceID, filename, checksumMode ) -- uses the XMODEM protocol, checksumMode must be 0
success = ReceiveSerialFile( instanceID, filename, checksumMode ) -- uses the XMODEM protocol, checksumMode must be 0
We hope this is a useful plugin for many of our community members - enjoy!
Development Director
TGC Team