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FPSC Classic Models and Media / [SOLVED] How to make staircases?

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Joined: 28th Jul 2017
Posted: 9th Apr 2020 00:49
hello i want to make a staircase like the titanic grand staircase.
Im trying to make it as a entity but it is imposiiblle to climb it


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Posted: 9th Apr 2020 19:39 Edited at: 9th Apr 2020 19:41
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I'm pretty sure Cosmic Prophet made staircase like that, you can find it in his free Dark City pack.
You can find this pack here and also some other useful stuff
If you already have staircase model but can't walk on it, check it's collision in fpe file, Set it to 1 (it's per polygon collision), it might help, although FpsC physics sometimes is more tricky than it should and just might won't let you climb up your staircase But hol-up, there is a little trick You can always place invisible wall right over stairs (place it carefully so player wouldn't notice), now engine would detect you climbing over flat surface - its waay easier for FpsC to calculate, and less buggy
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Joined: 28th Jul 2017
Posted: 10th Apr 2020 22:49
ghost lol thanks for answer

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