I wish I played more games. I have never played Halo or GTA:Vice city. Or any of em fancy ps2 games. Today I bought myself some late Christmas gifts.
My old Dreamcast wuz gathering dust in the corner so I bought Jet Set Radio, Phantasy star online, Sonic adventure and Quake 3 arena (Boxing day saved my wallet's life) anyway, I been missing so much over the years! No one ever told me how fun quake 3 is, I never played it! I even fraged my dad. This game if flipped up.
PSO made me angry. I couldn't get the weird animal things to lie down on the ground.
Jet Set Radio was okay. Those ppl talk too much. And the kids are high on something.
Sonic was pretty funny. i only played the classic 2d ones. Wow! I never knew hedgehogs could run up buildings. I know what I want next Christmas.
Oh and I have no pc games.
So while you guys are sitting there playing your fancy UT2k, and xboxes and those gameboxes or watever kids call em. Just for a second thing of me who is still enjoying the thrills of 1999...today!
Now where did my bubble bobble cartiridge go?