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AppGameKit/AppGameKit Studio Showcase / 3D scene editor - public ALPHA

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Posted: 22nd Aug 2020 21:41 Edited at: 31st Aug 2020 02:18
Hi all.

It's with great pleasure, and considerbale trepidation, I am sending the 3D world builder and scene editor out for a public ALPHA. Please note this version still does not have all the supplimentary functions working, however all the core world and scene building code should be functional. This version has error reporting still active, so if something goes wrong it will tell you the line number so that I can hopefully accurately debug it. Just download the launcher from the link below and extract it to whereever you wish, then run it. The editor can be lcoated anywhere, and will save your projects to a folder in your my docs.

For now AI placement and path setting is also disabled as I need to rework the menus.

If you do use it, please do come back with any bugs and or suggestions for new features, which I will keep updated in this first post. Enjoy.

Possible future features
*Anchor objects to the ground - objects always fixed to the ground
*Behaviour properties - objects can be assigned limited behavioural properties, such as movement if in water, ability to float etc
Virtual Nomad
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Posted: 23rd Aug 2020 01:07 Edited at: 23rd Aug 2020 01:18
Quote: "this version still does not have all the supplimentary functions working"

does that include loading a map? when i tried, i received "cannot load world. file corrupt or missing".

so, i generated a new map and tried to test it receiving "pixel shader failed to compile" which crashed the app. see HERE.

otherwise, what are the recommended specs? mine is a meager system and this behaved similar to gameguru for me where i had to face down to achieve the apparent 30fps cap?

added a light and removed it soon after = "Error: Sprite 100107 does not exist in main.agc at line 2113".
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Posted: 23rd Aug 2020 01:37
Hi Nomad.

What graphics hardware are you using? I've never had that error with any shader, so not 100% sure what caused it. Did the sky / ocean / landscape seem to be not rendering?

If you look in the folder where you have it installed, there should be a debug log file - can you upload that please?

The error telling you a world is corrupt is because not all the files were there. When you create a world, you still have to actively save ot to generate all the files. Did you you do that? It should be an easy enough error to fix.

Thanks for the sprite error, I'll get that sorted.
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Posted: 23rd Aug 2020 02:51 Edited at: 23rd Aug 2020 02:54
my system is pretty bad:
AMD A6-6310 (QuadCore) with, 6GB RAM, integrated Radeon R4 GPU (1GB shared).

basically a bloated laptop from a few years ago. i'll never go in to Frys and "see what i can get for $300" again (and Lenovo has been a headache).

and, the sky and landscape were visible. given my specs (and how they've hindered me with similar), i'll sit this alpa out (i'm always trying to find similar stuff that runs well on this and rarely able, a la GG).

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Posted: 23rd Aug 2020 17:12 Edited at: 23rd Aug 2020 17:13
Hi Nomad.

I've located and fixed the sprite bugs, many thanks for that. I've also changed the way the water shader works to remove the "==" instances I think were casuign the error, but that could potentially be the hardware it's running on. I'll add an option to use a flat water plane and an empty sky to imporve the framerate as they are not optimised yet and a bit slow. I'll also add a default flat landscape shader for those who simply want to use it as a scene editor, so that shoul dbe more than usable for lower spec machines.

I'll push the bug fixes out in a patch later on tonight.
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Posted: 24th Aug 2020 22:10
I've added some basic editor options - you can now choose between full editing, redcued performance and scene editing only. Full editing on a simple scene gives me about 107 fps, reduced cuts the ocean and clouds out and reduces the landscape render quality and boosts to about 165fps, and scene editing only doesn't render textures on the landscape either for those who just want to place objects.

This should significantly boost performance for lower grade hardware and can be toggled on and off at will.
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Posted: 25th Aug 2020 03:15
At last. Going to give it a good test.
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Posted: 26th Aug 2020 14:58
Great, Thnks Santman!!!!
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Posted: 27th Aug 2020 21:34
That's a new patch live, this one adds some game engine controls and the ability to toggle relfections in the ocean.

This is really targetted at lower end users - click to COG icon in the menu and you can change the shadow parameters and choose some different rendering performance modes, inluding disabling landscape rendering if you just want a scene editor.
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Posted: 29th Aug 2020 07:56 Edited at: 29th Aug 2020 07:58
Looking real good, unfortunately I got an error when clicking game mode

I'm running an old laptop with onboard graphics, I get lots of issues with 3d related stuff so I would not be surprised if my laptop is at fault (blender crashes like crazy when I start using nodes!)
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Posted: 29th Aug 2020 11:53

That's the ocean shader that's causing the issue - it's the same shader that GameGuru doesnt like. I'll have another look at it, thanks for the screen shot.
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Posted: 29th Aug 2020 19:10
I'm envious of your grass tech
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Posted: 29th Aug 2020 21:51 Edited at: 29th Aug 2020 21:51
That's me put out a small patch (0.831) - I found a typo in a texture swizzel in the shaders for the ocean and landscape which I think newer graphics hardware were either ignoring or had a function for. Hopefully this will fix that shader error.

Thanks OrignalKronos - I plan to improve the movement soon, but there are other things that I want to do for now - that will come with a weather update I have planned.
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Posted: 1st Sep 2020 16:48
Good work!
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Posted: 6th Sep 2020 20:45 Edited at: 6th Sep 2020 20:47
Well it was a bit harder than I anticipated to extract just the code to load ans set up a world, but that's the stand alone project code ready now that can handle any exported world, with varyingmodes depending on how big you want the source files (mobile or Desktop), and if you value loading speed or space.

A small example island using grass, multiple texture layers, lights, particles and numerous models:-
----> "smart" export settings to determine image quality: load time 11.1 seconds, size on disk 307mb, full quality
----> "fastest" export settings to determine image quality: load time 8.4 seconds, size on disk 661mb, full quality
----> "mobile" suitable export settings: load time 8.0 seconds, size on disk 74mb, lowered image quality throughout (and this can go smalled actually, based on the mobile screen size)

It#s important to know that the larger the world, the more pronounced the speed increase will be for the fast export option as this uses memblocks for large images.

There's some optimisation to do on paths and grass still that should significantly reduce those files sizes, but it's now as close to "plug and play" for your own code as I can reasonably get it.
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Posted: 18th Oct 2020 17:02
Been working on a proper game engine for a while now, but just added dual functionality to both the builder and my game - scenes. You can now, for example, drop a house shell and then inside this place lots of internal objects for decorations, furniture etc. Once set up the way you want you can tag as many of the objects as you want and export them to a separate scene file, and then delete them.

Later in the game engine these are loaded in only as needed; in my test island I now have multiple enterable houses with totally different internals with lots of complex objects but no associated slow down or memory consumption. This could be used for anything - for example all rocks, trees etc in a valley could be saved as a scene and then loaded in and out of memory as the player moved into and out of that specific area. Next step is to combine this with my C powered background loading and I will be getting very close to a load free world that can be very complex. Caves, houses, complex villages....totally getting there.
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Posted: 30th Oct 2020 03:35
Upgraded to ver 0.831
Getting this error message

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Posted: 30th Oct 2020 09:09
thought I would give the app a try and got this (see pic) and then the app closed. I tried running in admin and also compatibility mode (Win10 x64 bit).

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Posted: 30th Oct 2020 11:57
The latest version works fine here. If you see the screen above "Checking for Updates" make sure your firewall is not blocking it. After that it'll start downloading and at around 72% of downloading it will seem to have freezed and stalled but just leave it for a few minutes and it will start up.

If you are getting the Landtest18 error just redownload the entire thing from scratch. That will fix the issue.
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Posted: 30th Oct 2020 13:13
Quote: "If you are getting the Landtest18 error just redownload the entire thing from scratch. That will fix the issue."

Where to download the entire "thing", I assume the program, but can't find download link

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Posted: 30th Oct 2020 13:14
Quote: "If you are getting the Landtest18 error just redownload the entire thing from scratch. That will fix the issue."

Where to download the entire "thing", I assume the program, but can't find download link

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Posted: 30th Oct 2020 13:15
Go to the first page of this thread and download the installer. Then, install and update from scratch.
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Posted: 31st Oct 2020 01:23 Edited at: 31st Oct 2020 01:30
@Amon. Yeah did that before i post the message, no difference. Still receive the error "landtest18".

I then delete the ver.txt file, and then it start update the files, and now it works. Thanks
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Posted: 1st Nov 2020 16:23
Hi all.

I had no idea people were still trying this, I didnt really get much feedback. How did you get on?
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Posted: 1st Nov 2020 18:48
This is a very capable editor Santman. I'm getting on extremely well with it. Please keep going with it or charge some fee for updates. It would be a shame to see its development stop.
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Posted: 2nd Nov 2020 08:15

Hard to find some spare time to play with it, but at least once a week, I run World builder just to see if there is an upgrade and read some forum post.
For the little I use it, very capable and promosing future..

This can become a very popular product... and like I said before... this is something I buy without a doubt....

Keep doing the good work, and PLEASE keep us up-to-date about new releases etc...

Quote: "This is a very capable editor Santman"

Agree @Amon
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Posted: 30th Dec 2020 11:18 Edited at: 30th Dec 2020 11:31

I final got my self a new gaming laptop computer nearly 13 years latter

Dell precision m6800 Workstation running windows 10 pro
16gb ram
120 gb ssd chip card storage
and 500 gb mechanical drive
and supposedly i can burn blue ray disk

this is a bit of wired computer
it has 2 gpu's

Nvidia like and a Intel
but it seems to like using the Intel gpu
over the Nvidia
and I got it for under $900 Canadian unlike the person who
would have bought it new for close to $8,000 from what i can find out for prices

oo it was created about 2013

Hi i tried to use your program to download the file
the program stops showing progress
but as far as I can tell it looks like it keeps downloading but it dose not crash
or give any error messages

can i get a direct link to the file ?

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Posted: 2nd Jan 2021 03:23
Glad you made this alpha version open to the public, the code you've developed here is great and what it can do to help agk developers
is too good to not have more people using atleast potentially with purchasing even.

Good luck with it and other projects you done

fubarpk on Itch...………...
fubarpk on googleplay..
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Posted: 6th Jan 2021 16:02
Thanks Fubarpk.

I saw a thread from someone asking if this was still going, which then vanished. The sad truth is that there was only ever a couple of people showed any interest and the work to make is user friendly for others, including documentation, was quite significant. I had gotten as far as adding exporting options and building a usable function that would allow loading into peoples own code, but then I decided to instead dedicate myself to actually producing a game with it where I had to spend less time worrying about making a nice interface. Plus downloads were actually costing me, all be it only a small cost.

So for now at least I am keeping this as in internal tool only and focussing on making a game with it. Maybe I'll add asset streaming to it one day and go back to it, but there just wasnt any significant interest.
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Posted: 6th Jan 2021 23:19 Edited at: 6th Jan 2021 23:20
@Santman: You've done a great job so far. For the time being, the 3D is not in my interest since the good 3D artwork is much more expensive than 2D
Quote: "The sad truth is that there was only ever a couple of people showed any interest"

I can't understand how most people react. I read many times complaints/requests for the TGC team to develop a 3d editor and they already have a good one like yours but they don't use it
I think the same applies to other good tools or libs
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Posted: 9th Jan 2021 08:04

it did download and install/unpacked perfectly

Are they examples that can be downloaded to try out ?

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Posted: 9th Jan 2021 22:39

No, I had never included demos.....hadnt gotten that far. Lol.

I'm currently building the texture streaming into the editor and increasing the number of images you can use from 1,000 to 5,000 - maybe after I get that working I will launch a new version with all the exporting etc.
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Posted: 24th Jan 2021 22:07
This was far more intensive than expected as it's MUCH harder to implement streaming when the user can change what is being streamed at will, however here is a short clip of the editor now with full implemented texture streaming in the background. In a nutshell, all textures in the game come now with an LOD and if you watch the top right hand corner meter as I move in and out of the town you will see the memory usage dropping as I move away and high quality textures are not needed, and filling up again as they are reloaded as I get closer.

Note, the terrain does not have it's LOD active as this is too much hassle with the real-time painting the editor allows, for only a marginal memory gain - but in the game engine it is also fully functional so you can take about 40% of the memory usage off that you see here.

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Posted: 25th Jan 2021 10:10
That looks very cool. I'm glad you're still working on this.
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Posted: 25th Jan 2021 11:41
I do constantly update it, but generally only as I need to to facilitate the game I'm making.
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Posted: 26th Jan 2021 12:58
Great progress as always...
Is 0.831 still the latest?
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Posted: 26th Jan 2021 21:50
It is. If I get time I put out an update at the weekend curious to see how the background loading works for others.
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Posted: 31st Jan 2021 08:49
Definitely something ill be following this is very cool santman

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Posted: 31st Jan 2021 19:17
Loveable media streaming impementation <3
Looking forward to see more videos

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Posted: 18th Apr 2021 19:23
Any updates please, Santman?
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Posted: 2nd Aug 2021 22:01 Edited at: 2nd Aug 2021 22:01
Watch this space......
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Posted: 28th Aug 2021 22:50
HI all.

The world builder has now been released as a general public BETA, for now free for anyone to download and try out.

Download the installer here, unzip and run. Will install to the root C drive of you machine.

Those with an earlier version will auto update.
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Posted: 23rd Oct 2021 01:46

I havent used this game engine in forever, and i am glad that you created an world editor. Once i get the hang of the engine i will definitly give your world builder an go. As i want to go for an 3D Game eventually.

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