I've uploaded a new version to Steam and the TGC downloads area with the following changes
* Fixed TTF fonts rendering at lower quality if the text was place at a half pixel position
* Added support for the RequestAppReview command on Android (Google Play only)
* Fixed AdMob reward videos on Android sometimes rendering incorrectly
* Added SetAdMobChildRating command to notify AdMob if the app is targeted at children
* Added GetRewardAdValueAdMob command to get the reward amount from a reward ad
* Added CreateImageFromPNGMemblock to convert a memblock containing a PNG file into an AppGameKit image
* Added CreateSoundFromOGGMemblock to convert a memblock containing an OGG file into an AppGameKit sound
* Added CreateMusicFromOGGMemblock to convert a memblock containing an OGG file into an AppGameKit music file
* Added GetMemblockSHA1 to hash the contents of a memblock
* Added GetMemblockSHA256 to hash the contents of a memblock
* Added SetImageSubImages to change the subimages.txt file currently applied to an AppGameKit image
Let me know if you have any problems