probibly will work in DBP too, but i havnt tried.
function button(x, y, xsize, ysize, image_up, image_down, changing_var#, move, mousex, mousey)
if mousex > x and mousex < x + xsize and mousey > y and mousey < y + ysize
paste image image_up, x, y
if mouseclick() = 1
paste image image_down, x, y
changing_var# = changing_var# + move
paste image image_up, x, y
endfunction changing_var#
call it like this:
camz# = button(buttonx-16, buttony-32, 16, 16, 101, 102, camz#, 1, mousex(), mousey())
(x, y, xsize, ysize, image_up, image_down, changing_var#, move, mousex, mousey)
x and y are where you want it to be, x/ysize are how many pixles your image is, image_up is the standard picture for the button (unpressed), image_down is when you click on the button, changing_var# is the varable that changes when you click the button, move is how much the varable changes by, mousex and mousey are the mouse coordinants.
it's very basic, but i find it very useful.