Quote: "the problems I have is with those fundamentalist Christians who just know they're right and don't have anything else to say about it."
Then what the point? The whole purpose (and fun part) of Religeous debates is the exchange of information, tring to get the other party to except your beliefs, and attempt to gain common ground. The most they are hard pressed on their beliefs, the more fun it is. It's all about comunication and trying to point out that when you get right down to it, we all have the basic beliefs and ideas, it's just getting past all the fronts we've set up to rationalize it to ourselfs.
At a very basic level, sain people know that killing, raping, and stealing is just plain wrong, but to explain why can be very difficult. The western religions (Chirstains, Jews, and Muslims; they all share the same Old Testiment) believe that God told them these things are wrong. Eastern religions believe that Karma will cause what ever action you do to other will be done to you. Athiests have the hardest time with the question, most simple say it's a good idea or it the law, niether worked for me (though I'm not Athiest, I do think alot). My reason for thinking these things wrong is because it goes against others wills. A person should be allowed to make his/her own choices when dealing with themselfs. That's why murder is bad in my book but suiside is acceptable.
I've lost 25lb playing Dance Dance Revolution, no really!