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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / (X9) A horror game

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Joined: 27th Jul 2021
Posted: 29th Jul 2021 22:38 Edited at: 30th Jul 2021 00:03
A horror game (no title for now)

Made by uivlis games

Story: Still working on it, we might go in various direction with it. For now, this is just a short demo-concept art thing - if there are more people who would like to play this, we will start working on it.

Description: Would like to create a memorable horror experience, taking inspiration from cult-classics like Clive Barker's Undying, Scratches, American Mcgee's Alice and writers like Clive Barker, Stephen King, E.A Poe, H.P Lovecraft; exploring motifs like life-in-death (the idea of being enclosed with the dead while still part of the living), dreams as in the inner workings of the mind, regret and lost love, forbidden and dangerous knowledge, religion and superstition, fear of the unknown etc. and put emphasis on atmosphere and the story.

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Joined: 1st Jan 2013
Location: UK
Posted: 8th Aug 2021 12:27
Looks like a promising start, I like Clive Barker's Undying and games of that type.

I urge you to work on your own version of a horror game you like the most with your twist, perhaps integrate your rolling dice death game (looks interesting).

I don't think there are enough atmospheric horror games with decent puzzles, I'd definitely play it!

Recently played 'Until Dawn', I really enjoyed that style of game, if you don't know it, I'd urge you to have a look.

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Joined: 19th Feb 2012
Location: Hendersonville,NC
Posted: 8th Aug 2021 16:41
A really nice good start. I'd like to see where you take this
** WHERE'S MY eXplosys ? **

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