also if this helps as well, not instead of... nice exporter by the way... I am trying out python and I wrote a script that will list info.. still messing around but for 2.92 Blender so far it prints out this:
objects parse [objectname], [xpos],[ypos],[zpos],[xang],[yang],[zang],[xscale],[yscale],[zscale]
lights parse [lightname],[light power],[light color]
Light,1000.0,<Color (r=1.0000, g=1.0000, b=1.0000)>
Point,1000000.0,<Color (r=1.0000, g=1.0000, b=1.0000)>
Point.001,1000000.0,<Color (r=1.0000, g=1.0000, b=1.0000)>
Point.002,1000000.0,<Color (r=1.0000, g=1.0000, b=1.0000)>
Point.003,3000000.0,<Color (r=1.0000, g=1.0000, b=1.0000)>
Point.004,5000000.0,<Color (r=1.0000, g=1.0000, b=1.0000)>
Point.005,1000000.0,<Color (r=1.0000, g=1.0000, b=1.0000)>
Point.006,1000000.0,<Color (r=1.0000, g=1.0000, b=1.0000)>
Point.007,1000000.0,<Color (r=1.0000, g=1.0000, b=1.0000)>
Point.008,1000000.0,<Color (r=1.0000, g=1.0000, b=1.0000)>
Point.009,1000000.0,<Color (r=1.0000, g=1.0000, b=1.0000)>
Point.010,1000000.0,<Color (r=1.0000, g=1.0000, b=1.0000)>