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Android / Key Store Files

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Joined: 29th Nov 2011
Location: India
Posted: 7th Sep 2021 18:16
Hello everyone ,
I Love App Game Kit and always be , and last 13 years from 2007(Dark Basic Pro) to 2020(App Game Kit 2) it was my hobby but after the corona pandemic I depends 30% on my game making skills (and all thanks to App Game Kit) because I start selling games to my clients (Last 1 years) and they also love my work . (my main gaming cafe business down 60%) . So I was happy that my hobby make me some money but now I don't get any update from TGC so I can't update and submit games for my client .
My question is is their any option to use Keystore files (created from AGK) in Android Studio ??
AGK Developer
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Joined: 21st Jan 2009
Location: Sarasota, FL
Posted: 8th Sep 2021 14:26
"My question is is their any option to use Keystore files (created from AGK) in Android Studio ??"

Are you looking to use Android Studio to bundle the AppGameKit apks? If so, there might be a rather quick and easy solution for you.

LynxJSA's web games/quizzes - LynxJSA's Android apps
AGK Resource Directory
"Stick to a single main loop (DO...LOOP) and loop through it every frame.
Do everything inside functions.
Use finite state machines to control your game.
Use lots and lots of source files.
Years of Service
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Joined: 29th Nov 2011
Location: India
Posted: 9th Sep 2021 09:32
@Loktofeit Thankyou very much for the replay . I am not very familiar with android studio . I just start learning . I have one more request to you if possible can you make a YouTube video regarding this and attached the link . Thankyou again .

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