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AppGameKit/AppGameKit Studio Showcase / RhythZard - rhythm game

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Joined: 25th May 2021
Posted: 23rd Oct 2021 17:52
Hey all,

I want to introduce my new (mini)game, RhythZard. RhythZard was made for the There Can Be Only ONE competition, requiring an one button control scheme. This proved to be a bit difficult at first, but I settled for a rhythm game. I'm not 100% satisfied with the outcome, a multi button control scheme for different spells would have added a lot to it, but the limitations were in place. Maybe I can expand to it in the future, but there are currently no plans to do so.

How to play
Use your mouse or the space bar to click/tap to the rhythm of the song. Earn gems by defeating enemies and use them to power up your wizard. Get all 10 songs to 100% completion to beat the game and become the ultimate RhythZard.

If you want to check it out, you can give it a go here.


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Virtual Nomad
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Location: SF Bay Area, USA
Posted: 30th Nov 2021 17:49 Edited at: 30th Nov 2021 17:50
hey, hosch. i finally gave this one an honest go and enjoyed it after i figured a couple of things out. namely, once you use the Torch to get the idea, i never used it again but instead focused on my spell progress bar to help establish the Rythm.

1 niggling bit is the Quit Game option from the Pause menu. i expected it to quit the actual game but it actually quits the Level so perhaps rename that to Quit Level but also keep Quit Game in there where, otherwise, actually quitting the game is a bit cumbersome having to navigate back to the Main Menu to do so.

also, HTML version?

meanwhile, no link found to the There Can Be Only ONE competition referenced. where can we find it?

thanks for sharing!
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Joined: 25th May 2021
Posted: 20th Dec 2021 09:34
Thanks for your feedback. Sorry for the late reply, I wasn't around in the forums much, and for giving RhythZard a try! It was my first rhythm game and in hindsight I won't make one for competitions again. The barrier of entry for non musical players is too high and I lost out on a lot of votes from frustrated players. It was fun making it, though.

I will focus on some other projects for now, but clearly a more visual indicator (see Crypt of the Necrodancer) would have worked wonders. I will keep your suggestions concerning the menu navigation in mind. Honestly, GUI and menu design is one of my weaknesses in gamedev and I need to improve a lot there.

HTML version is difficult, due to the way the game saves your progress. It would need to set a lot of cookies.

Here is a link to the competition.

Again, thanks for trying it out!

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