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AppGameKit/AppGameKit Studio Showcase / [WIP]Third Person Camera - Character Walk

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Posted: 31st Oct 2021 08:32 Edited at: 31st Oct 2021 19:56

A quick experiment with AppGameKit and the mutant model from mixamo, more to come...

[EDIT]: Uploaded new video, the last one had camera jitter, this video seems a bit better.
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Posted: 31st Oct 2021 11:52
Nice, I been trying to set mine up for a "over the shoulder" view like Mafia, right click for the "parrot" view, its working pretty well so far but not perfect.

A neat trick I found, when you got walls and stuff the camera clips so cast a ray backwards from the camera and place the camera at the collision location with a slight padding, like a boom arm, set max, min distance, the camera becomes nice and responsive.

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