Quote: "I am sure this was addressed before and the answer from Paul was "it mixes the color", I'll look at the source when I get home."
Ah, ok ! The color for skybox are "mixed". So we cant change it as we want like we do with rgb() ^^.
Quote: "I saw your game tools over at the PB forums (that is you, right?), some nice stuff there"
Yes, I have made several tools for game or to create 2D images (bitmap, vector, sprite animation....).
Almost of my code are open-source on github
Quote: "Hey Blendo. Nice to see you're still about. "
Hi Blinkok
Yes I continue to work on my games, with this fabulous tool which is AppGameKit !
Quote: "Maybe you might be interested in the Tower Defense compo"
Oh, I have created a cool tower defense (towerbots), but I don't thing I could use it in the competition ^^. Because it's too good lol (And I have made it before)..
Quote: "Isn't the blue at the top of the image you posted the color you want?"
Not it's red ^^.
The blue is made with SetSkyboxColor().
But there is no matter, I re-use my tool AGE3D to create my skybox and it works great in fact ^^.
Cheers !
AGK2 tier1 - http://www.dracaena-studio.com