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DarkBASIC Professional Discussion / Remove object bounds

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Joined: 27th Oct 2013
Posted: 18th Dec 2021 06:59
Is it possible to remove object bounds?
Every loaded object for default has Box around it and some kind of low poly Sphere.
I don't need them becaiuse use my own culling system.
commands like:
set object collision off 1
set object radius 1,0
delete object collision box 1
don't work


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Location: Canary Islands
Posted: 18th Dec 2021 12:25
You can try set object collision to polygons obj_number .
I'm not a grumpy grandpa
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Posted: 18th Dec 2021 15:12
DBPro collision system was very slow, as I remember ( Sparky's collision Dll was times faster ) so my idea was to switch off bounds/collision shapes to all objects and get extra perfomance and maybe more free memory.
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Posted: 18th Dec 2021 16:19
What kind of collision do you need? How many objects do you have in scene? can use set object collision to boxes for the wall of the level, and set objects collision to polygons for complex objects. You can get extra fps is you sort objects dependind on distance...we could have two objets one for the level full of details and anorher one in very low poly for the collision.
I'm not a grumpy grandpa
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Posted: 30th Dec 2021 23:58
For collison I use DarkDynamix, so I definitely need no built-in DBPro collisions.
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Joined: 2nd Aug 2013
Location: France
Posted: 1st Jan 2022 01:13
SET_OBJECT_COLLISION_OFF should do what you want.
2002 - Present

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