I don't know if these are possible but I'm just dreaming;
1 - CreateFileFromMemblock() command:
This command constantly consumes more memory and it is imposiible to create a program which runs for just a day. For example, a server.
2 - PlaySound() command:
This command creates delays on some platforms if not on all platforms. Please fix this.
3 - PauseSound() & ResumeSound() & GetSoundPosition() commands:
It would be just great.
4 - Debug and Release modes:
Maybe, SetErrorMode(0) is doing the job, I don't know but cancelling cheking the array sizes, object existences e.t.c. will add much more speed. Also, I suspect that my useless source codes are distributed with my app's.
5 - More control over memory and variables:
GetMemblockPointer(_M_ As MemblockHandle)
MemCopy(A As void, B As void, C As Integer)
Assigning operators like @ and *, or & and *
Local ivar As Integer, fvar As Float, mem As Integer
Mem = CreateMemblock(256)
ivar = 23
fvar = *ivar //direct memcopy from address of ivar to fvar, 4 bytes (size of fvar)
Memcopy @fvar, GetMemblockPointer(Mem) + 32, SizeOf(fvar)
Type mytype
a As Integer
b As Integer
c As float
Global tvar As mytpe[256]
Mem = CreateMemblock(1024)
Size = SizeOf(mytype)
Memcopy @tvar[11], GetMemblockPointer(Mem) + Size * 8, Size
Memcopy @tvar[21] + 12, @fvar, 2
6 - ScreenPointer():
It would be so nice getting surface's direct addresses.
Just dreaming