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iOS and MacOS / Export to IPA crash with adverts

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Joined: 13th Feb 2014
Location: Spain
Posted: 6th Feb 2022 20:52

I am trying to export a project to ipa but when check "uses adverts" crash and does not generate the .ipa file. If I don't check the box, it generates the file right but then the app fails on the mobile when the first admob instruction is executed. I am used the last version of AppGameKit classic and XCode/MacOs updated.

Years of Service
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Joined: 13th Feb 2014
Location: Spain
Posted: 10th Feb 2022 10:59
TGC Support has confirmed to me that it is a bug in the current version. They are already working on it and it will be fixed in the next update.
Thanks in advance to TGC.

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