Looking to build an app that includes my disco calendar ( I run a mobile disco, playing most weekends all over my home county). so users could view future gigs and have them saved on their device's schedule / calendar.
Any ideas how I could
a) Generate a event.ics file from data within my app? I've seen how they look in Notepad, but some of the lines of data seem 'proprietry' to the code's creator. Any pointers here would be appreciated.
b) once the event.ics file is created, how do I allow users to transfer it into their device?
c) Allow updates / notifications, so I can send all who have installed the app info about new events.
Edit: I've generated an .ics file, simply using Notepad, and emailed as an attachment to a friend. It opened no problem and gave the option to add the event to his diary. So this seems to be as simple as:
WriteFile("event-number.ics") and WriteLine() all the details. Saving locally on the phone or whatever, then give the command to OpenFile("event-number.ics") so it opens in the users native OS. [Using BlitzBasic syntax as I am still more used to that - but AppGameKit is much the same anyway] Just need to write the app now.