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AppGameKit Studio Chat / tier 2 studio possible bug with PlayVideoToImage.

Dark Raven
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Posted: 19th Jun 2022 02:29
I'm messing around with tier 2 (windows) and came across what may be a possible bug or just my stupidity when it comes to c++. This is on Windows. Haven't tested my code on linux yet.

The following snipit is the code that is used to display the video.
Ignore the Getmedia function as this just loads the video and doesn't do anything else.
There's no difference if I just use the LoadVideo function.

Building - Debug build

Building - Release build

Any ideas


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Posted: 19th Jun 2022 02:37
I had to SetVideoDimensions() after i loaded the video
Dark Raven
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Posted: 19th Jun 2022 02:43
nope just getting a white sprite instead of the video being rendered to that sprite image. I can hear the sound just can see anything.
PlayVideo works fine except that I don't want the video to play full window which is why I'm rendering to a sprite. It's weird that it works
perfect while building using debug but when I switch to release it causes the problem.
Dark Raven
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Posted: 19th Jun 2022 04:35
Just noticed its also happening in Tier 1 so I posted it in the issues on github.
Virtual Nomad
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Posted: 19th Jun 2022 15:32 Edited at: 19th Jun 2022 15:36
how are you creating/loading videorenderimg ? ie, are you using CreateRenderImage()?

have you tried #renderer "Basic" & is your system Vulkan? (just re-read the github post. seems you've tried both)

are you using Sync()? a bit more code may help get it sorted (ie, a fully functional example, just to be sure).

which version of studio?

some of that info should be added to your report on github to help track it down where some of us don't have a problem playing video to an image.
Dark Raven
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Posted: 20th Jun 2022 01:29
This has been resolved. It was my error. After some sleep and and more wide away look at the code I found out that for some reason the variable that was used for holding the rendered video was being assigned 0 instead of a number greater than 0 which was causing the sprite to on display its color and not the video. Sorry about being a pain I guess that's what happen when working late late hours

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