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AppGameKit Studio Chat / Studio Version 2022.06.27

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Posted: 27th Jun 2022 14:09
A new version is available on Steam and TGC servers. Changes -

- Added SetupNoise. Initialises Open Simplex noise generation.
- Added GetNoiseX. Returns 1D noise.
- Added GetNoiseXY. Returns 2D noise.
- Added GetNoiseXYZ. Returns 3D noise.
- Added GetFractalX. Returns Fractal/Fractional Brownian Motion 1D noise.
- GetFractalXY. Returns Fractal/Fractional Brownian Motion 2D noise.
- GetFractalXYZ. Returns Fractal/Fractional Brownian Motion 3D noise.
- Added SetSpritePhysicsGravityScale. Gravity scaling.
- Added SetSpritePhysicsInitiallyAwake. Set if the sprite is initially awake or set.
- Added SetSpritePhysicsAllowSleep. Allow a sprite to sleep.
- Added GetSpritePhysicsGravityScale. Return gravity scaling value.
- Added GetSpritePhysicsInertia. Returns current inertia.
- Added GetSpritePhysicsIsBullet. Returns true if the sprite is set as a bullet.
- Added GetSpritePhysicsIsAwake. Returns true if the sprite is awake.
- Added ClearTweenSprite. Clears all tweens for the sprite.
- Added ClearTweenCustom. Clears all tweens for the custom tween.
- Added ClearTweenText. Clears all tweens for the text.
- Added ClearTweenChar. Clears all tweens for the char.
- Added ClearTweenObject. Clears all tweens for the object.
- Added GetTweenSpriteTime. Get the current time for a sprite.
- Added GetTweenSpriteEndTime. Get the end time for a sprite tween.
- Added GetTweenCustomTime. Get the current custom time.
- Added GetTweenCustomEndTime. Get the end time for a custom tween.
- Added GetTweenTextTime. Get the current text time.
- Added GetTweenTextEndTime. Get the end time for a text tween.
- Added GetTweenCharTime. Get the current char time.
- Added GetTweenCharEndTime. Get the end time for a char tween.
- Added GetTweenObjectTime. Get the current object time.
- Added GetTweenObjectEndTime. Get the end time for an object tween.
- Fixed a crash when using the Spaces command when the length specified was negative.
AGK Developer
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Posted: 27th Jun 2022 15:29
Great news!
Virtual Nomad
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Posted: 27th Jun 2022 18:49 Edited at: 27th Jun 2022 19:05
Quote: "Fixed a crash when using the Spaces command when the length specified was negative."
still causes crash.

Quote: "ClearTweenSprite. Clears all tweens for the sprite."
should read "ClearTweenSprite. Clears all tweens for the sprite tween" where it's implied that a sprite ID should be the parameter, otherwise.

meanwhile, modified raven's code on discord for grayscale:

can we get some examples on usage of all the Noise commands?

more discussion on Noise, et al @ discord...

finally, can we get the studio stuff in the ONLINE help so we can review stuff from anywhere we have a browser?


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TGC Developer
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Posted: 27th Jun 2022 19:11
I have posted an example on Discord.
Virtual Nomad
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Posted: 27th Jun 2022 19:29 Edited at: 27th Jun 2022 19:35
slick! thanks. cleaned up:

click to regenerate


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Posted: 27th Jun 2022 20:38
Thanks a lot!
Regards Sph!nx
Virtual Nomad
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Posted: 28th Jun 2022 04:50 Edited at: 28th Jun 2022 04:57
elaborated on mike's code to produce some kind of noise explorer:

use the mousewheel while hovering over a parameter to increase/decrease value, or click anywhere to randomize.

still learning helpful ranges for each, proper increments, and how they might work/(together). the repo for OpenSimplex doesn't give much insight, nor do other repos working with it that i've reviewed.

i've set the INC values to what i THINK make sense for each; let us know if you find lay-person sense of it all?

BTW, the FRACTAL stuff sounds delicious. any usage guidance, there? new toys are frustrating if you don't know how to play with them


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Posted: 28th Jun 2022 12:41
so what is the new Time commands the tweens have?
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Posted: 28th Jun 2022 15:04
Get current time and get end time.
Virtual Nomad
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Posted: 28th Jun 2022 20:19
Quote: "what is the new Time commands"

THIS was going to demo some of the tween stuff but i got carried away

meanwhile, haliop7, must you create a new account every time you check in? please contact TGC to recover, instead.
AGK Developer
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Posted: 28th Jun 2022 21:59 Edited at: 28th Jun 2022 22:31
This is an example of how I have used tweens for the undo feature and auto compete on my card game. Tweens are very useful and easy to use. The new ClearTween commands make things even simpler.


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Virtual Nomad
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Posted: 1st Aug 2022 17:27 Edited at: 1st Aug 2022 17:56
from Source re: Noise parameters:
  • Frequency ("width") of the first octave of noise (default to 1.0)
  • Amplitude ("height") of the first octave of noise (default to 1.0)
  • Lacunarity specifies the frequency multiplier between successive octaves (default to 2.0).
  • Persistence is the loss of amplitude between successive octaves (usually 1/lacunarity)

quick explanation re: Heightmap generation:
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Posted: 1st Aug 2022 21:49
It's done !
Terrain is endless.

Virtual Nomad
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Posted: 1st Aug 2022 22:21
AGK Developer
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Posted: 3rd Aug 2022 12:15
That looks great!

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