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AppGameKit Studio Chat / Access to localStorage in Html5 with a modified AGKPlayer.js

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Posted: 27th Jul 2022 02:48
Data in cookies is limited to 4KB and localStorage can be used instead to store larger data that persists between sessions.

I have tested a modification to AGKPlayer.js to allow access to localStorage

unminify, then replace


as you can see, any shared variable starting with _ls will then be redirected to localStorage, so you might have functions like these

to use files normally or localStorage if you export to Html5 had an issue with localStorage where data was lost if you uploaded a new build. That issue seems to be fixed, but ymmv.
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Joined: 15th Jun 2022
Posted: 27th Jul 2022 02:52
Also in the modification to AGKPlayer.js you'll see

which makes reading from a shared variable called "args" return the url used to run your app, including parameters which some sites use to pass a userid and/or token so you can get/save data about your player.
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Posted: 27th Jul 2022 03:58

This is my use case and test routine, comments welcome.

The goal of this module is to provide an easy interface to persistent storage with minimal I/O so you could change the three backend functions to use server storage, compress data, or whatever.

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