Hello everybody. I've been having trouble converting a .fbx model to .x.
I have a 3D model in .fbx format, it's animated, and textured. But it's in the older .fbx format (prior 2011), and can't be loaded directly into AGK.
So, what I did was importing the .fbx into Milkshape3D, and export it into .x (JT). This seems to work initially, preserving the geometry, bones, and animations. And it loads into AppGameKit just fine.
However, the texture was messed up when applied on the model. I tried converting the old .fbx into new .fbx versions using AutoDesk FBX converter and Milkshape, but no luck. The resulting texture is garbled.
I tried to alter the UV scaling of the texture inside AppGameKit itself, still no luck.
This is strange, because the old .fbx model loads just fine with its texture in MilkShape3D. The only problem is the garbled texture after export. Everything else is fine.
I'm kind of at the end of my ropes here.
Can anybody help to try to convert the old .fbx model into a usable (bones + animation + texture ) format? I don't mind if it's .fbx or .x, as long as it can be loaded into AGK. And if you succeed, it would be great if you tell me how you do it.
I've included the sample .fbx + texture below. Also, a picture of how the model is supposed to look like.
Thanks in advance.
Actually, scratch that. PLEASE HELP!
P.S: That model is very small. Please scale it up to be properly viewed.