in audacity, my ogg export setting is 8/10 = 1411kbps stereo 44,100 kHz which i think is a pretty high quality).
i'm sure others have strict guidelines when "normalizing" various sound effects from different sources while i just "play it by ear".
if a certain sound effect is much quieter than others, i
Amplify in audacity which sets itself to a "safe" setting where if i manually set it too loud (@ or near 1/-1), i'll get the crackling/popping "distortion":
meanwhile, the "theme" song in Ranch Rush which is 1:29 is 2.88 MB @ the above 8/10 .ogg setting in Audacity.
and, one of the last jams, i had an ogg that actually caused the HTML export to error out (i think it was Mars Keeper) which is part of why it didn't make it to HTML/left as WIN-only.
again, i'm sure others have guidelines that they use so hopefully someone shares them while this is pretty much "all i know".