Simple 3D World Map Editor
Here is the map editor that I wrote to create my "world" for my Alien Marathon game (which will definitely NOT be done by the comp deadline)!
But I will finish it!
This editor does not have much of a GUI per say. It does display what mode the editor is in, where you are on the map, which object is selected, and the current properties of the object including position, rotation, texture, culling, UTiling, VTiling, Transparent, and U/V animation speed.
Another limitation of the editor is it only saves and loads one file (for now). When you restart the editor it reloads the current map with the alien (more on this in a bit) positioned where you had him last, and the object that was selected last is selected still!
The alien is your avatar that you can walk around to give you a sense of scale and allow you to "interior decorate" as you walk around the world.
Limitation#2. Although you can create plains virtually anywhere on the X,Y,Z axis', the alien remains on the group (which is assumed to be 0 on the Y axis).
Besides savinging the map file, the program also exports data statements to be pasted into your Dark BASIC Pro program.
Other Limitations.
I'm sure they're lots!
First, inside the map editor. A very simple map has been created (i've included the map file and export file with the download).
Second, a screen shot of a sample DBPro program that [i]uses[/u] the data statements exported. In the program you can walk the alien around using the arrow keys!
Web Page for this Program
Keyboard Commands
ESC = quit program
F1 = move camera / alien
F2 = select object
F3 = select texture
F4 = size object
F5 = move object
F6 = rotate object
F7 = select group
F8 = show/hide groups
F9 = change U/V animation speeds
arrow keys:
F1 - move alien and camera following him around
F2 - left & right arrow keys change object
F3 - left & right arrow keys change texture on object
F4 - left & right arrow keys resize object width
up & down resize height, holding down CTRL speeds it up!
F5 - up & down move object on Z axis
left and right move on X axis
CTRL (up and down) on Y axis
F6 - CTRL (up and down on Z axis), up/down left/right on other
F7 - Pick a group from 1-50 to make the object belong to.
Group 0 not really a group. Use left and right arrow keys!
F8 - Show/Hide group. Left and right keys to pick group to
toggle show/hide. Up and down keys to do actual toggling.
F9 - Up/Down speed up/slow down animation speed on U
Left/Right speed up/slow down animation speed on V
Ctrl - N Create new plain object, automatically becomes selected
Del Deletes selected object
Ctrl - S Saves map to file (when you save it backs up previous copy first)!
Ctrl - X Exports DATA statements to a text file
Ctrl - T Toggles Tranperancy on/off
Ctrl - G Toggles Translucency on/off
Ctrl - U Toggles U Texture Tiling on/off
Ctrl - V Toggles V Texture Tiling on/off
Ctrl - R Resets alien position to the starting position.
for now ignore any other commands stated in the remarks at the top of the map editor program.
Includes sample textures, source code, and sample program demonstrating the use of the exported data: (6593KB)
Your Feed back sought!
Thanks and Have fun!
EDIT - you can see I used the Blue IDE in the last screen shot! Rob K's editor is soooo much better than the original equipment!
If you aim at nothing you'll hit it every time. 806mhz AMD Athlon Processor. 384MB memory.
Windows XP Home Edition. RADEON 9700 Pro graphics card. - editor.exe= - DBPCompiler.exe=V1.05