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DarkBASIC Professional Discussion / new sega genesis and coco ide (wip )

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Posted: 20th May 2023 14:45
I've been away from app game kit and dark basic forums for a long time and thought i would pop in and showcase some progress i have made in a new project created using dark basic pro.
Some may remember some work i have done with other apps such as Qmidi Studio, Model Props, and some other random utilities. I even released a few games on the ouya when it was around created from appgamekit.
This particular project has spawn from me having an interest in learning 6809 assembly and then moving up to 68k assembly within a 3 year period roughly.

So what is this sega / coco ide ?

Its a programming environment that helps you organize your project, assist with library calls,compiles your projects into machine code.
yiks! what kinda language is this? .... well its technically assembly but has some basic command type coding that i invented to speed up the process.

so what this application does is a pre-compile to convert the basic stuff into assembly and then it does the finishing compile of asm code.
at this stage i do believe i could write a completely new basic syntax programming environment for these two machines but for now this is the resulting project of my research.

ok so what type of projects can be done with this? You can build a color computer project.... the download includes an emulator to test your code, programs on.
You can build a sega genesis rom and test your code on an emulator, even flash it to real hardware and run it on that. I've mostly been focusing on the sega libraries but will also expand the coco's in the future.

so major work in progress and many tutorials and help videos will be coming.

the download:
-includes two sega genesis emulators to test and run your code that you write
-includes an emulator for testing color computer projects
-NO ILLEGAL ROMS! this is here for programming purposes.

-the segacoco ide written in dark basic
-a complete game called Treasure Island Defense written in 6809 assembly by me
-matrix demo for color computer
-a few library commands that will be expanded in the future

/sega genesis
-several example programs
-chicken dance demo
-ym2612 music demo.... music can be converted from qmidi studio to run on my custom player
-psg music demo... music can be converted from qmidi studio for this also.
-controller input examples
-a big library of commands that i am always expanding and you can help expand easily too.

see with projects like dark basic we can expand the commands library through the use of dll's
with my editor we can create these libraries that are human readable and produce help comments to use them or even modify them easily.

here is my forum.... you dont need to sign up to download anything or read about anything ....infact you can ask questions here about the project and i will get back to you probably same day.
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Posted: 23rd May 2023 02:56
This is really cool!

Mage's Modular Code - Get awesome UI controls and powerful Bitmap Fonts!
Screen Device Recovery - Stop your apps from crashing when minimized/tabbed/screen locked.
CPU Friendly Frame Limiter - Make your app generate less computer heat + noise, and use less battery life!
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Posted: 24th May 2023 01:23 Edited at: 24th May 2023 01:28
Thanks.... i'm going to be focusing 100% on this as i feel the Retro Renaissance is upon us! Creating new for the old! hehe...
Besides cool is it to build applications at circuit level.... very cool and the 68k is an amazing processor to learn on.

I will start producing some youtube video tutorials very shortly to include teaching assembly 68k.

The funny part is this ide is 100% built with dark basic.... i have dark basic translating commands into assembly to speed programming up!
very cool indeed!

The latest addition to my dark basic assist coding is it now translates if then else endif statements into assembly.

my goal with this project is to make assembly programming faster for a programmer.....closer to the speed of writing a basic syntax app but with the speed of machine language in the end.
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Posted: 24th May 2023 04:35
just found an error with the color computer stuff not running with vcc. fixed the download.

This fix will now run the Treasure Island Defense game that i wrote. Source code is there for people to look at / learn + modify....

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Posted: 18th Jun 2023 15:30
just a little update:

I'm currently putting together 2 new libraries for the sega. The first one is completely just input and the second one involves the use of sprites.
I had this idea of designing a hot swap able controller system for up to 8 players. The idea is that you always call on the same function to poll the ports and then depending on whats plugged in it will update those same control variables.
So what can be plugged in and detected? well everything except for the atari/master system stuff or the gun and i should also mention the 4 way play from ea. although the gun could probably be detected i just dont have one lying around to test.
The 4 way play adapter from ea deserves its own library to be honest. It ties up both control ports for that one to work.

The multi-tap from sega is the one that im supporting.

so whats hot swap able?

Sega multi-tap on multi mode
Sega 3 button ctrl
Sega 6 Button ctrl
Sega Mouse

The whole crazy part about this is you only need to plug in the first cable into a sega port to use the multi-tap mult-mode.
I'm not sure what kinda crazy game we could make using 8 players of anything but its completely possible and thats why this library will support it.
The idea of making a multi-player mouse game is also an interesting thought. (warning: buy your sega mouse collection before they become more rare!)
I myself have 5 of them for programming purposes. rts maybe? we will see....

Anyways to sum that library will be released in about a week. The ide now has the ability to print source code now too!

The next library that im working on involves sprites. I'd like to put an actual sprite management system into place. One that controls sprite priority and one that easily updates framed animations.
This one will be talked about more in the coming weeks.

for now expect a new input library and some re-worked function commands.
I will try to start creating a new youtube video once per week teaching this ide and programming 68k assembly.

i will make a post to 68k tutorials on my forum once i start making them. Topics? if anyone has anything they want to learn i can probably do a video on my approach to that topic.

have a great day!

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Posted: 24th Sep 2023 17:41 Edited at: 24th Sep 2023 17:45
i updated the editor and have released my first application using the editor.... an instrument maker.

The instrument maker can be run on emulation or on real sega genesis hardware.
I made a secondary application to look at the srm save file to be able to load and extract files.

In the next few days i will be making video tutorials on how to program for said machine and lets see where this goes....

my main page is:

and youtube video of said instrument maker in action:

any questions ask away.... again this is all for developing on the sega and all the tools are either created with dbpro or app game kit.

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