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FPSC Classic Scripts / Subtitles, Different languages, Many screens on start menu & Character model

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Posted: 25th Jul 2023 02:28
Hello everybody,
I am Mohammed Said from REDLINETEAM,I was working really hard on a game which is coming very soon
So i was wondering if could add subtitles to my game which show only when an audio plays, For example the player says "What happened here?" in the same time the sentence appears as a subtitles at the bottom of the screen only once.
And i want to know if there any possible way to add an options screen (or any other screen) for the game which can control the game settings from?
Sorry for many questions but i was also asking if there a way to add different languages to the same exe file without making different builds.
And can i change the player model?(it's not important i was just asking)
And is there any black ice mod tutorials i can follow?
I am using Black Ice Mod 1.20.017
That's all
Thank you all

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Posted: 29th Jul 2023 12:45 Edited at: 29th Jul 2023 12:50
DiamondHorse Hi and welcome

`could add subtitles to my game which show only when an audio plays` Yes, very easy. There are several commands which you could use but my favorite is "hudtext=x" quick and easy.
When the audio .wav file plays show the hudtext. Use with an etimer. If your sound file is 3 seconds long then show the hud for 3 seconds.

`options screen (or any other screen) for the game which can control the game settings from?`
Yes, done many times before, but for in-game mechanics. You would store your variables in the setup.ini that the game could draw from.
There are not too many graphics option fpsc can change??? what are you thinking of changing?

Here, found this old video on just what your looking for... Options & Training selections

`if there a way to add different languages to the same exe` No, but i do know fpsc came in difference user languages. Is that what you mean?

For more help come join us at Discord's Fpsc & BIM servers. We have many members that can help you much better there.
And also with several languages
** WHERE'S MY eXplosys ? **
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Posted: 30th Jul 2023 13:48
Hello ncmako
Thank you very much brother, You really helped me
Quote: "When the audio .wav file plays show the hudtext. Use with an etimer. If your sound file is 3 seconds long then show the hud for 3 seconds. "

can you give me an example code?
Quote: "There are not too many graphics option fpsc can change??? what are you thinking of changing?"

I meant if i could for example mute sfx from the options menu
Quote: " No, but i do know fpsc came in difference user languages. Is that what you mean?"

I meant in game language not fpsc but it's fine, I think i should make different copies with different languages
Quote: "For more help come join us at Discord's Fpsc & BIM servers. We have many members that can help you much better there.
And also with several languages "

Thank you very much, can you give the server's link?
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Posted: 4th Aug 2023 11:19
"can you give me an example code" I assume your using a trigger zone to play audio? So I'll use that. And that it is 3 seconds long.

" if i could for example mute sfx from the options menu" I am lost what you mean ? You mean the shader effects ? You can turn those on & off easily.
Or do you mean something else?
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Posted: 8th Aug 2023 06:18
Thanks for the code
Quote: "" if i could for example mute sfx from the options menu" I am lost what you mean ? You mean the shader effects ? You can turn those on & off easily.
Or do you mean something else?"

I meant if i can mute music from the game and leave dialogues on for example as in call of duty
I think it can't be done
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Posted: 12th Aug 2023 13:52
DiamondHorse "if i can mute music from the game" Yes very easy to do. Look in your Syntax list for "musicvolume=x" that obviously adjust the volume for music only. Not all sound.
If you dont have the syntax list get it here..... It is a must have !
** WHERE'S MY eXplosys ? **
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Posted: 16th Aug 2023 08:45
Thanks very much friend
Praise be to God for everything

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