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Program Announcements / R1sikoChess on Steam

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Joined: 26th Oct 2002
Location: Rama spaceship
Posted: 22nd Nov 2023 17:33
Hello everyone, after many years using DBPro, I have finally released my indie game on Steam. R1sikoChess. It's an innovative combination of chess, Monopoly, Risk, and a rich array of wargame elements. Feel free to check it out!
Virtual Nomad
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Joined: 14th Dec 2005
Location: SF Bay Area, USA
Posted: 22nd Nov 2023 18:14 Edited at: 22nd Nov 2023 18:16
congrats on the release, Alduce!

i dont know of another DBPro game on steam but R1sikoChess is a 2-fold accomplishment, regardless

skipping through the cinematic trailer and skimming the description @ steam and there's a lot going on. and, i clicked your website and all of it's interesting so when i can reserve some time, i'll be looking at it all closer.

until then, please accept these where you've earned them

btw, the ARCHON roots is appreciated!
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Joined: 26th Oct 2002
Location: Rama spaceship
Posted: 22nd Nov 2023 22:45
Thank you Virtual Nomad for your nice words! I would like to publicly express my gratitude to all the people on the forum, including those who administer it, and those who have greatly assisted me in learning this beautiful programming language over the many years I've been around here, dreaming of one day creating my own video game!

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