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AppGameKit Studio Chat / Is there AGK Studio for ARM aarch64?

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Posted: 24th Dec 2023 17:03
For portability and experimenting, I purchased two mini pcs, one is Ryzen 5 and the other is Arm 64. I installed Ubuntu on both.
I want to stick with Linux because if at some point this becomes a business, windows licensing and instability is a no-no from my experience.

With the Ryzen unit, AppGameKit Studio Linux works as a charm.
With the Arm processor, AppGameKit Studio Linux (and classic) fail with "wrong executable format". Also tried the raspberry pi AppGameKit classic version thinking that maybe because it is Arm it could work, but it fails here like it fails on Pi OS Bookworm64.

Before starting digging into compilation of Tier2 repo, is there an AppGameKit Studio version for arm64? Like something that would work on Microsoft surface laptops?
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Posted: 27th Dec 2023 14:33
There is a Visual Studio release for ARM and by the YouTube videos it looks to be very well done. I have a Surface Pro X ARM tablet that I'd love to be able to dabble with programming on, but I use it for my day job and fear loading Visual Studio would slow everything down and hinder its primary function.
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Posted: 27th Dec 2023 22:32
There is no native ARM version of AppGameKit Studio. Even on Mac's which have had ARM chips for 3 years use the translation layer of Rosetta 2 to convert to ARM. Luckily Rosetta 2 does a very good job of x86 to ARM. Eventually Apple will stop shipping MacOS with Rosetta and once that happens AppGameKit Studio will no longer work on MacOS. It would be nice to see a native ARM version but I highly doubt that'll even happen now that AppGameKit is on feature freeze.

On Linux ARM, the windows version of AppGameKit Studio may work via Wine?

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