I know quite a few of you have bought my Hands On AppGameKit books in the past. Since a large part of AppGameKit involves 3D and hence the use of 3D models, I've started on a new book covering the very basics of Blender version 4.1. For the few of you that don't know, Blender is a free but professional-level 3D modelling package. The book is being released a few pages at a time (www.digital-skills.co.uk and click on the Blender button) along with associated videos which I will be posting weekly on YouTube. The book is entirely free but I would appreciate it if you decide to use its pages if you would subscribe to the YouTube channel and click the "Like" button there - and watch the videos! The YouTube channel address is www.youtube.com/channel/UC-NXWXC8jJozFf5_HxBZ_jg You'll find the book is in quite a different style from my previous books with much more emphasis on screen-shot images. You can let me know what you think of the video and book by emailing me at blender@digital-skills.co.uk