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DarkBASIC Discussion / DarkBasic Classic Latest Versions

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Posted: 27th Jan 2024 12:58
Hi All,

On occasion, I have been asked to provide a download to the older legacy products we used to sell, and I have been meaning to dig out the source code and place them on GitHub at some point (DBPro and FPSCreator are already there). In the meantime, and to help those eager to restore their DB Classic creations, could someone contact me who has an up-to-date full version of DarkBASIC Classic and email me at "". I can then place any significant versions of this product somewhere publicly so anyone can download them easily. We will not be able to provide official support, but it is a step closer to helping those users here and elsewhere who have an interest in TGC's long game-making past

Happy game-making!
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Posted: 7th Feb 2024 10:58
Just sent you an email, Lee.
== Jedive ==
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Posted: 13th Feb 2024 20:32
I have sent you a reply email as well Lee. I have obtained a working CD from eBay of v1.12 Enhanced and have converted it all to an ISO.
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Posted: 14th Feb 2024 15:22
Hi All, Had some great efforts from the community to find a good copy of DB Classic and currently running some tests on the software before making it available here. Hope your monitor can handle 640x480 resolution
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Posted: 17th Feb 2024 11:58
Hi Lee,
I sent you an email as well with the latest version and config of DBC that I'm currently running.

Thank you for this!
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Posted: 29th Feb 2024 13:27
While we're at it, would the old DarkMATTER CD also be of interest? I believe I have that lying around somewhere...

I remember having a lot of DBC samples too, but I can no longer find them. If anyone still has sample25.dba which had a green goblin chase you on a foggy map with pillars everywhere and you had to shoot it with a fireball, or sample15.dba which demonstrated particle explosions using white plain objects, please let me know!
Primary target of mod abuse since 2007!
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Posted: 2nd Mar 2024 23:54 Edited at: 2nd Mar 2024 23:55
Interesting thread. It would be kind of cool to have the source code for DBC.

I'll have to hook up my windows 98 PC and see what I've got on there. If I recall, there were ways to get the byte code output natively. I think the CD i have has all of that type of information - including demos, alternate IDEs, settings, command line info etc. I could probably create an iso and add a copy of the latest DBC exe. Gotta go into the scary attic.

What would also be awesome if Lee could find the DBC archives that had all of the user submitted programs and games.
Enjoy your day.
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Posted: 19th Mar 2024 02:57
I'm just, beginning adventure with programming of fpp games, and i noticed most of features like rendering

Naturally, i have no experience just think, that Dark basic is very good for beginning

I just, think that you have really big choice when you build, map so this is one of important elements

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Posted: 25th Apr 2024 20:23
Can't wait for the download to be available!

I have a copy of DarkGAME Studio from ages ago before I was a teenager and now I'm a lot closer to 30 than I am to 20 but unfortunately my main PC blew up and my new laptop doesn't have a disc drive It'll be cool to mess around with it again for nostalgia sake.
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Posted: 13th May 2024 10:52
Any news on release of dark basic classic? All I have is a demo i think. Came with a game making book. Looks really cool. I like the cave runner example. I want to make a game with this type of navigation. And add obstacles to avoid along with pick ups. I love the early 2000's vibe that I get from this software.
ted brogan

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