I made this earlier, it WAS going to be newtons cradle, but then my brain started hurting with the realisation that the physics involved are much more complicated that you first think.
Thought i would issue a challenge, no prizes for the person who can do the most (of anything) in the shortest time, starting with this snippet - whether thats amazing graphical effects, or more realistic motion, i leave it up to those who are bored enough to try
Post screenies here!
`Phsyics Tech Demo
set display mode 800,600,32
sync on
`knock up 5 objects in the shed -- balls to you!
for i=1 to 5
`any size up to 100 - lower numbers let you see the kinetic energy transfer.
make object sphere i,50
position object i,0,0,i*100
set object smoothing i,100
next i
move object 1,-1000
Type Ball
velocity AS FLOAT
mass as float
pz as float
dim Balls(5) as Ball
`make a floor
make object plain 10,2000,2000
position object 10,0,-100,500
pitch object up 10,90
set reflection shading on 10
make object box 11,2000,2000,10
position object 11,0,-110,500
pitch object up 11,90
color object 11,rgb(200,200,255)
set object diffuse 11,rgb(0,0,0)
`Set up the worlds mood lighting
color backdrop rgb(10,0,0)
`Show off some FX :)
`hide light 0
set ambient light 30
set object specular 1,rgb(200,0,0)
`set object specular power 1,1
set object emissive 1,rgb(20,20,0)
set object emissive 2,rgb(20,0,0)
set object emissive 3,rgb(0,20,0)
set object emissive 4,rgb(0,0,20)
set object emissive 5,rgb(0,20,20)
set object ambient 5,1
set object ambience 5,rgb(0,0,0)
`Have a look... can you guess what it is yet?
position camera 700,300,200
point camera object position x(3), object position y(3), object position z(3)
`Terminal loop
while escapekey()=0
camy=camera position y()
camz=camera position z()
camx=camera position x()
if upkey()=1 then inc camy,3
if downkey()=1 then dec camy,3
if leftkey()=1 then dec camx,3
if rightkey()=1 then inc camx,3
if inkey$()="<" or inkey$()="," then dec camz,3
if inkey$()=">" or inkey$()="." then inc camz,3
position camera camx,camy,camz
`slight slowing of the object to loosely simulate air resistance
if object=1 then balls(object).velocity=balls(object).velocity+.02
if object=5 then balls(object).velocity=balls(object).velocity-.02
inc balls(object).pz,balls(object).velocity/10
position object object,object position x(object),object position y(object),balls(object).pz
point camera object position x(3),object position y(3), object position z(3)
if newz-z>0 and object<5
if object collision(object,object+1)
inc object,1
balls(object).pz=object position z(object)
if newz-z<0 and object>1
if object collision(object,object-1)
dec object,1
balls(object).pz=object position z(object)
pitch object up object,1
`we worked so hard on it, so draw it. refresh screen every (nn) loops to increase speed
inc framerate,1
if framerate>=6 then sync : framerate=0
God of unfinished programming projects