I played for two days (hmm.. not really, I've done other things : I slept, ate, went shopping, and used the toilets) with the memblocks.. I wrote several functions that I may use in a game I'm going to do (no, I won't tell you that it's a bomberman ^^)
I always say that one should share as often as possible, so here you are
rem memblock number, size x, size y
function m_bitmap(m, tx as integer, ty as integer)
make memblock m,12+tx*ty*4
write memblock dword m, 0, tx
write memblock dword m, 4, ty
write memblock dword m, 8, 32
rem memblock, position x, position y, rgb color
function m_dot(m, x as integer, y as integer, c as dword)
sizex = memblock byte(m,0)+256*memblock byte(1,1)
sizey = memblock byte(m,4)+256*memblock byte(1,5)
if x>-1 and x<sizex
if y>-1 and y<sizey
n as double integer
n = (4*((y*sizex)+x))+12
write memblock dword m,n,c
rem memblock, position x, position y
function m_point(m,x as integer,y as integer)
sizex = memblock byte(m,0)+256*memblock byte(1,1)
sizey = memblock byte(m,4)+256*memblock byte(1,5)
if x>-1 and x<sizex
if y>-1 and y<sizey
n as double integer
c as dword
n = (4*((y*sizex)+x))+12
c = rgb(memblock byte(m,n+2),memblock byte(m,n+1),memblock byte(m,n))
endfunction c
rem memblock, start x, start y, end x, end y, color
function m_line(m, xa as float, ya as float, xb as float, yb as float, c as dword)
pente as float
y as float
pente = (yb-ya)/(xb-xa)
if xb>xa then xs=xa: xe=xb: y=ya else xs=xb: xe=xa: y=yb
dec y,pente
if pente<>0
for x=xs to xe
y = y+pente
next x
if xb<>xa
for x=xs to xe
next x
if yb<>ya
if yb>ya then ys=ya: ye=yb else ys=yb: ye=ya
for y=100.0 to 150.0
next y
rem memblock, start x, start y, end x, end y, first rgb color, second rgb color
function m_line_degrade(m, xa as float, ya as float, xb as float, yb as float, ca as dword, cb as dword)
pente as float
y as float
r as float
g as float
b as float
dr as float
dg as float
db as float
dist as float
pente = (yb-ya)/(xb-xa)
if xb>xa then xs=xa: xe=xb: y=ya else xs=xb: xe=xa: y=yb
dec y,pente
if xa<>xb then dist = abs(xa-xb) else dist = abs(ya-yb)
dr = (rgbr(cb)-rgbr(ca))/dist
dg = (rgbg(cb)-rgbg(ca))/dist
db = (rgbb(cb)-rgbb(ca))/dist
r = rgbr(ca)
g = rgbg(ca)
b = rgbb(ca)
if pente<>0
for x=xs to xe
y = y+pente
inc r,dr
inc g,dg
inc b,db
next x
if xb<>xa
for x=xs to xe
inc r,dr
inc g,dg
inc b,db
next x
if yb<>ya
if yb>ya then ys=ya: ye=yb else ys=yb: ye=ya
for y=100.0 to 150.0
inc r,dr
inc g,dg
inc b,db
next y
rem memblock, center x, center y, radius (! not diameter !), rgb color
function m_cercle(m, xc as float, yc as float, r as float, c as dword)
x as float
y as float
for y=yc-r to yc+r
for x=xc-sqrt(r^2-abs(y-yc)^2) to xc+sqrt(r^2-abs(y-yc)^2)
m_dot(m, x,y,c)
next x
next y
rem memblock, center x, center y, radius (!...!), rgb color center, rgb color border
function m_cercle_degrade(m, xc as float, yc as float, r as float, cc as dword, ce as dword)
x as float
y as float
dr as float
dg as float
db as float
dr = (rgbr(ce)-rgbr(cc)) / r
dg = (rgbg(ce)-rgbg(cc)) / r
db = ((rgbb(ce)-rgbb(cc)) / r)
for y=yc-r to yc+r
for x=xc-sqrt(r^2-abs(y-yc)^2) to xc+sqrt(r^2-abs(y-yc)^2)
m_dot(m, x,y,rgb(rgbr(cc)+dr*sqrt((x-xc)^2 + (y-yc)^2),rgbg(cc)+dg*sqrt((x-xc)^2 + (y-yc)^2),rgbb(cc)+db*sqrt((x-xc)^2 + (y-yc)^2)))
next x
next y
hmm.. I didn't translate the functions names, but I'm sure you'll understand what they do
if you've never used the memblocks, don't worry, it isn't very hard.. to test my code, here's an example
(you need the functions above !)
rem the size of the bitmap... you're allowed to change it if you don't like them, but who wouldn't like 256*256 pixels ?!
tx = 256
ty = 256
rem building the bitmap
rem making the bitmap a bit grey...
for x=0 to tx
for y=0 to tx
next y
next x
rem a lovely line :)
rem doesn't the circle look like a 3d object ?
rem then, we make a bitmap from the memblock, and get an image :)
make bitmap from memblock 1,1
set current bitmap 1
get image 1,0,0,bitmap width(1),bitmap height(1)
set current bitmap 0
rem ...displaying the results...
paste image 1,5,5
set cursor 0,bitmap height(1)+5
print "{",mousex()," ",mousey(),"}"
print "RGB(",rgbr(point(mousex(),mousey()))," ",rgbg(point(mousex(),mousey()))," ",rgbb(point(mousex(),mousey())),")"
The sleeper must awaken !