Hey all, just thought Id tell you something.
Recently, the Team Request forum has gone to heck. Everything there is either a flamefest or just some crazy idea. Its full of noobs and crits that dont know how to crit. To those of you who post there with detail, thank you.
It seems that whenever I post an Eternal Destiny Team Request, it turns into a flamewar because 'the media suxx' Well, why do you think I am there requesting 3D/2D help!
Frankly, Im sick and tired of the same thing over and over again.
"Your media sux"
Me: "How so?"
"Its just not good"
Me: "Well that doesnt help very much, but I am requesting 3D/2D help arent I? The media may not be so great, but the engine is very very far into production, not to mention our finished documents"
"Well your media sux so your game must suck so Im not joining"
So, Im standing on the edge. I am very close to not posting any more information here about Eternal Destiny. Future posts will be done at RGT, as I view that community as more mature, and skilled (no offense to those oldbies still here) And when I post there, I get more constructive critism, and much better help. Usually no flaming at all.
Once again, thanks to all those who have been helpful. But for now, the future of ED and Apollo looks pretty grim, unless I see some incredible changes.
We need help! Email us! join@eternaldestinyonline.com