dbforums.co.uk offers an alternative to this forum. guests can post on it and you cn register anytime you like. the user base is growing so why not join
i also offer free hosting with free email.
unlimited space
unlimited bandwidth
2 domain names to choose from**
free subdomain
weekly backups of the entire site (on friday nights)
*when you signup i provide you with a mysql user/pass, you have to request for any databases, all you have to do is email me requesting how many and the desired names.
**the 2 domain names are dbforums.co.uk and dbaspace.co.uk, if you want dbaspace, display the domain in the subdomain information, otherwise the dbforums will be chosen.
-- please note this offer is for people who are going to put darkbasic demo/games/snippets etc on it. basically anything to do with darkbasic.
free email can be on it's own or with the hosting. you choose