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Posted: 16th Sep 2002 06:21
yay i made a pawn took me (looks at watch) 5 hours... face by face... =\ now all i need to know is how to make it black without making it pitch black... any pointers??? here it is in the db 113 engine... =P sexy pawn... all for a fundraiser of the dcc... =P heh my chess playing friend talked me into it ACK THE BUTTONS DONT WORK ON THE CODE BAR... =\ oh well still any pointers???
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Posted: 16th Sep 2002 10:35
Well, first, "hey DarkPuff". There are a number of ways you make it black without pitch-black. I am assuming you are talking about in a modeler, and not in DB? (if you are talking about it DB... then just pretend that I said nothing) hehe.

Ok, first of all I use Rhino as a main modeler. It's easy there, but I am sure that all can do this. Just make it black, and then make it "plastic" coating. What plastic will do is add a whitish film to it to make it look more like a plastic chess piece. I am not sure how DarkBASIC will handle this, but I made plastic looking pieces before and they look pretty good. you can get a free demo of it... its pretty nice


Southeast Creations Web Design Service
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Posted: 16th Sep 2002 11:21
i think that wont work in db... all i know that db will handle is textureing... but i bet i could do the same thing with cartoon and sphere shading in dbpro =\ maybe... oh and another quick question... how would i find the poly count... =\ it runs fine... looks like real live chess pieces... but i wanna make sure it will be ok on old machines...
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Posted: 16th Sep 2002 16:10
there is a DB system command that will return the number of polygons on screen, i can't remember it though. Indi or DeadGlory have posted about this before though. I have always found them very helpfull when asked.
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Posted: 16th Sep 2002 21:47
ok... but what about the black problem... and i still need work from avatar... if he wants his game finished he needs to give us something to work on... =\ card list... pictures... something... dont you agree
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Posted: 19th Sep 2002 00:16
DBP has Phong shading, that should look a little more accurate. also for the specular highlight you could use multi-texturing. the basic idea is that the highlight stays still while the object moves. or you could just texture the shading. if you want i could do it for you. send it to

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Posted: 19th Sep 2002 08:44
hey frogger... =P after i finish the rest of the models ill send some to you to see if you can get the shiat working right... hows that sound... right now i got the king ... pawn... and bishop done<-=- without the groove but i really need to put one in... its a pain... O_O righto so ill keep in touch with you... and when the time comes...
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Posted: 21st Sep 2002 23:34
can you upload some pics of the chess pieces?

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Posted: 26th Sep 2002 15:47
Try making the pawn not quite black (grey) this can still look black but not quite as swallow the light..

as for the code button, simply place

[ code] (exclude the space)
code goes here
[ /code] (exclude the space)

the button places the code tags on the same line as code and it dosn't like it

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Posted: 4th Oct 2002 08:02
=) yay i got an image of the pawn and the king that will work
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Posted: 4th Oct 2002 08:03
ug... broken link... lets try it again
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Posted: 4th Oct 2002 08:07
ah yes and if you couldnt guess those pawns are in the dbpro engine...
Shadow Robert
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Posted: 4th Oct 2002 14:57
Like to say they're nice, look like my WHsmith chess set.

First of all, don't make the peices look like plastic - looks very crappy, instead make a basic wood texture in Paintshop Pro - I'll agree 100% black isn't an option ...
I'd go with Black being RGB(16,16,16) and white being RGB(230,240,210) - provide a more creme colour which is much better.

Now in PSP, make the textures 256x256 @ RGB(128,128,128) or defualt grey ... now make another 2 the same size in each of the side colours.
To the grey one goto effects -> texture effects -> sculpture -> and use finish wood
then copy & paste into each of the others as new layers, in the black make the layer lighten and creme make it darken then move the slider to 20%

Oki may not look like much but now we take it, map onto the model (you can export to a lithunwrap format, map it and place it back into milkshape as you'll need to highlight before finally finishing) - once mapped, give the texture a spectacular of white, at 50% (slider below spectacular)

Export and its all done...
Creating stuff suchas this is really more of a job for another product that can use splines - best free option is probably gmax, as it exports in md3 which is good for effects. But you can setup a spline and array it around then cross section then surface (itterations 1 or you just thousands of polygons), UV Map with a capped cylinder and possibly add at the side stuff like the cross unwrapped - and your done with actual modelling in about 10mins per peice. A few more mins for the actual texturing - you can open the texture editor and press print screen to get the actual UV Map, work over that and you can even highlight areas of the texture.

I'm wondering are you gonna have a player hand like the black 'n' white one - cause i think that'd be a cool gimmic

[b] New interactive driving system... i like my new blue and black steering wheel [b]
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Posted: 5th Oct 2002 05:37
=( i was going for plastic... =\ i could do metal... i just dont think wood will look real enough
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Posted: 5th Oct 2002 19:19
darthpuff send me the models and ill give them a good plastic look.

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Posted: 5th Oct 2002 22:19
Puff, when are we going to get an outline of the game mechanics, and detailed card information with descriptors? I haven't recieved any information other than a link to a website that provides little or no information on the game itself. There's nothing on the website that describes what genre this CCG is supposed to be. I am interested in working on this project, but only if there are atleast 1000 cards already desinged and tested. By tested I mean, that they've been theoretically play tested for ballance and so on. Are the game mechanices already developed? Is there a system yet? It has to work on paper first before It can work on the PC.

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Posted: 6th Oct 2002 00:33
ugh your here too... check your email... =( youll have to be talking to avatar... im really busy... you see i ordered 1.5gigs of ram but win 98 only supports 512 megs... so im upgrading to win 2000 (xp wont install plus i dont like it and me is crap)
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Posted: 6th Oct 2002 00:35
oh and frogger i put the models into rhino and since i made them so low poly they look like shit... heh... i need 64 pieces on the board plus any graphics i want to add... they have to be low poly for old comps.
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Posted: 7th Oct 2002 23:29
Got your email dude. Good luck with XP. I really like XP, and I haven't had any issues with my 1.5GB of PC2700. WOO FAST! My MOBO has a FSB of 533 which is really nice for my P4 2.53GHZ 512K cache 500MHZ FSB CPU. My GeForce4 Ti 4400 likes it lots too. Considering the ATI Raedon 9700 since it blows away all the GeForce4 Ti 4600's and it's 8x AGP. My MOBO is 8x AGP too.

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Posted: 8th Oct 2002 08:02
fast enough what about my win 2000 pro ... 1.5 gigs of ram... 120 gigs of hd space... 3ghz amd athlon xp processor (liquid cooled of course and over clocked)... 52x cdrom ... dvd burner... cd burner... =) zip100... sound blaster audigy platinum ex... ti 4200 128mb 4xagp turbo <-=- its good enough for now... =) ABOUT EVERYTHING HAS GOLD WIRES... artic silver III thermal coolant... admit it tapewormz my computer >= your computer
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Posted: 8th Oct 2002 08:03
i still dont like the radeon... =(

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