I don't like sig images. I cannot see the point. We have an avatar, who i think everyone execpt mouse ( because he is the famous avatarless fighting furball ) should have one. THIS MEANS YOU, NOOBS.
Your sig should have something funny in it (you know, some kind of geek joke) and maybe a link to yer site, and thats about it.
I don't mind transworlds one though, cos its only about 2 text lines high, so it doesn't look out of place, it just looks like a larger font sig. RPGamer on the other hand, has this huge one, which looks out of place. Dude, we all know about ED, could you just not waste my screen space?
P.S. I'm running 1280x1024 at home and 1600x1200 at my course.
No, really, its true. Honest